Short list of recommended hotels

  • NICEVT Hotel (site in Russian) - relatively inexpensive (by Moscow standards) hotel suitably located near conference site - 7 minutes walk from Belyaevo metro station - next stop to Kaluzhskaya metro station.
    Address: 5 bld 1 Generala Antonova Str.,  e-mail:
  • Akademicheskaya Hotel *** 
    Address: metro station Oktyabr’skaya (see orange line on metro map), 1 Donskaya Str. 
  • Varshava Hotel *** 
    Address: metro station Oktyabr’skaya(see orange line on metro map), 2/1 Leninskiy prospect. 
  • Sputnik Hotel *** 
    Address: 38 Leninsky prospect
    Location: metro station Leninsky prospekt(see orange line on metro map), than 20 min walk or 1 stop by tram. 
  • Astrus Hotel *** 
    Address: 146 Leninskiy prospect
    Location: metro station Yugo-Zapadnaya(see red line on metro map), 2 stop from metro by bus 226, 718, 752, 261, before bus station «Ул. 26-ти Бакинских комиссаров»
    How to reach IKI: 10-15 min by bus 226 or mini-bus 
  • Cosmos Hotel *** 
    Address: metro station VDNH(see orange line on metro map), 150 Prospekt Mira.

List of Moscow hotels 
Moscow metro map (in russian, also print version
Moscow metro map (in english, also print version)